Road to FreedoM

Dreaming Of Leaving Your Corporate 9-5 But Don’t Know Where To Start?

1:1 Coaching:
MEPS Map Exit Strategy Method™

Leaving your work life and starting new is exciting and scary! Here are some of the items you need to consider:


Spending and finances


Family concerns


Mental Readiness


Fear Factors


What's Next?

"Begin doing what you want to do now."

Marie Beynon Lyons Ray

Here's What My Latest Client is Saying

“How exciting! I am halfway through my (Exit) plan with Jennifer and I already see opportunities to break away from my workplace sooner than planned. This process has given me the framework to brainstorm what I WANT to do vs. what I feel I NEED to do. I am seeing more possibilities than in the beginning and can't wait to finish the process and see what my new life will look like!"

Libby W.

I can't wait to hear what YOU have to say!


The MEPS Map Exit Strategy Method™ is a 9-week personalized strategic method that allows you to specifically plan out all the necessary steps to confidently leave your 9-5 whenever you are ready. This mapped-out strategy has 3 phase, which I’ll personally walk you through:

As part of the program, we’ll speak together on weekly Zoom calls plus email, DM, and Voxer messaging support in between calls to facilitate your progress. Plus, you get to keep all The MEPS Map Exit Strategy Method™ materials so you could continue using them to achieve your “New Life” goals and continue to make and achieve new goals for yourself.

"If you are unhappy with anything - whatever is bringing you down - get rid of it. Because you will find that when you are free, your true creativity, your true self comes out."

Tina Turner

Why choose the MEPS Map Exit Strategy Method™?

The MEPS Map Exit Strategy Method™ was created FOR me to achieve what you are looking to obtain. I used this method to exit my unwanted work-life to step into my “New” Life! I still continue to use this map to make, change, and achieve new goals because every day is a “New” Life for me. This "New" Life could be for YOU too and today could be the FIRST day of the rest of your life!

This Strategy Method is a short-term investment for a lifetime of gains. How do you put a dollar value on that? You won't need to, especially when you are free from what binds you and you are living your best “New” Life, doing whatever and living wherever you want while being emotionally free and financially comfortable. The amount you invested in this program will be like the best gift you ever bought yourself!

With your desire to be more adventurous, to break free from routine obligations, you will need the support of a mentor, coach, and facilitator to help you clear the way to your “New” Life goals. THAT'S ME! 🙋‍♀️

If you want to get started now, click the button below and I’ll get in touch with you so we can jump on a quick preliminary call ASAP!

Mapping Out Your Exit Strategy

A Picture says a 1,000 words…


Phase One: Clarity - Planning The Trip

You dream about it, you talk about it, you declare, “I want to leave my job! It is sucking the life out of me”. “I want to travel, start a business, stay home and take care of my kids, live the life I dream of…” So do you mean it? Are you REALLY ready or better yet, PREPARED to do it? In Phase One you get yourself ready to plan the exit.


Phase Two: Exploring - Making The Map

The devil is in the details. You can dream forever. Is that what you want? Or are you ready to commit to creating the Map. We all need directions to get where we’re going--especially if we have a specific destination! In Phase Two you get specific.


Phase Three: Navigating - Charting The Course

I’m no sailor, but I do need a compass and so will you! This is where we put ideas to work. Here, you learn not just where your "True North" is -- you also know where South, East, and West are as well! In Phase Three you understand where you are going and have the confidence that you will get there.

In The 9-Week, 1:1 Personalized Program, The MEPS Map Exit Strategy Method™ You Will:

What Makes Us Different From Others?


Have I told you that I love Voxer! You have access so easily to us! Questions, epiphanies, scary thoughts, fear sandwiches. I’m just a walkie talkie away!


I got you! No two plans are alike. And that is PERFECT! Even better you aren’t alone in making the plan or living it because we are there for the hard part. We are also there when you arrive!


I’m old enough to help you 😉 Seriously. And if that’s not enough--I have OVER a quarter of a century in career management, leadership, business, organizational development, wellness, change and behavioral studies and that’s just off the top of my head...I’ve done so much that I forget what I know!


1. I’ve been there and I’ve done it! I have made the map, lived the map, and continue to modify it for my new adventures! 2. I have navigated with thousands of people through the murky waters of their careers--entering, exiting, surviving, and thriving. Literally--nothing surprises me when it comes to strategizing through your options.


You will have the opportunity to join other professional women as they navigate their journey as well. They are women who have made the same decisions to live the lives they have dreamt about. Leaders in their own lives, who willingly do the work, trust the process, and never look back in regret!


Money Back Guarantee. You complete Phase One & do the work with me. You participate fully, do your part and make the effort. If you are not filled with excitement, anticipation and are not 100% confident with me as your guide and strategy coach, I won’t let you throw your money in the wind--your new life is too important!

Still Not conviced?

Let's have a quick chat!

Click the button below to schedule a FREE Breakthrough Call with me!

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