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Keeping Girls Running the World

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Dear SISSY’s,

I started this group because I know too many women who feel, “not enough” or “not good enough”. Who are discouraged from shining in their own very unique way. Who haven’t felt “joy” for far too long-when it is available daily (I don’t feel it always daily either so don’t interpret that as “you’re not good enough”). All those points are just from a singular standpoint-ourself and our immediate people sphere.

I haven’t even touched the societal pressures and unconscious messaging we receive from so (too) many places. From being a bossy bitch to a horrible parent to an unsexy/too sexy woman or being too liberal if you accept others for identifying themselves as individuals they relate to and whether we’re “ready” for a woman President?!

The world picks items for us to have to justify in order to distract us from what’s truly important (IMHO) —our humanity. We don’t talk about our humanness. Which inherently creates us all as equal. Human=Human.

So, Luke wrote a blog about equality for women and methods and opportunities for us to equalize women in status to “others”. I told him, “I like the conversation it encourages, but I hate the premise that we actually have to have the conversation in the first place.

Ladies, fellow SISSY’s, when we take over the world-which I fully support in our own lives and in our world-please do not separate our humanness from others. Let’s allow people to be who they are with a goal of goodness, kindness, and support for other humans. Human=Human.

Be you. No-be the best you 🙂 as always, Be a SISSY!



March marks the start of Spring, the start of Daylight Savings Time, and Women’s History Month. What better way to commemorate and celebrate the feats, achievements, and wonder of women then with a blog about why women are amazing!

This year alone has been a milestone for women. We have the first female Vice President, 27% (or 144) of Congress is female, and women have been making astounding technological advances! Why is this important? Because women are still an underrepresented minority in business, technology, and government. Fixing this is not only a priority, it is a damn necessity. How do we do this? Simple. 

1. Keep supporting women in STEM no matter the cost. As straightforward as this seems, supporting women in STEM can result in more jobs, better wages for all, and a chance to see some amazing innovations be developed!

2. Take the time to appreciate the women in your life. Many make sacrifices that we do not always see. More often than not, women are the nurses, caretakers, and doers in our lives. Celebrate and appreciate those decisions to put others before themselves.

3. Remember the history of women and equality. By no means is it complete, but it is important to remember the suffrage and effort that millions of women put into making sure that future generations could vote, own land, and speak freely without fear or retaliation.

4. Call out the inequality when you see it. Women still earn approximately 73 cents on the dollar compared to men. Women still make up less than 20% of C-suite level positions in the United States. Damage from inequality still persists even today. Call it out when you see  it. Empty voices do not cause change. Loud voices do. 

5. Believe them. When the #MeToo movement started, no one imagined it would gain the momentum it did. It now stands as a reminder that when one woman suffers, they all do. Women deserve to be heard. Yes, men experience sexual assault and harassment too but do people question its validity as often? Remember no one ever asking for it. 

6. And finally…build a world where we celebrate it all. Not just one month per year. Period. 

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